Well done me! At 73 I’ve been able to learn heaps of IT stuff which tickles my fancy. This info-graphic is all about how men take their Hero’s Journey from conception through The Birth. Our Trust loves to direct attention to...
Frankly, I expect lots of praise from all of you for what I’ve accomplished as your 73-year-old mother or grandmother! Yes, my passion for our Birthing Better skills spills out every day because for 45 years I’ve been part of growing skilled birthing...
Step #1 occurs between conception to 12 weeks. Every woman who becomes pregnant takes her Heroine Journey through pregnancy and giving birth. There are 12 steps in this Journey not 1 step per week. This means the time frame through each step will vary to some degree....
Hero’s Journey Calling all fathers-to-be – There is an old saying which goes something like this: ‘You’re either pregnant or not’. Unfortunately, there is no middle-ground – once you impregnate a woman you are 100% going to be a father. So now you have a choice;...
Twelve steps seem like lots of steps at this point in pregnancy … 12-16 weeks. Steps #1 and #2 seem like baby steps … pun intended! Since you are just starting out on this Journey you only know where you are now and less about where you are going and what...
Hero’s Journey There are two overlapping issues once you’ve impregnated a woman. First, every man moves through his own Hero’s Journey from conception to birth. This journey is very, very, very personal. Your Hero’s Journey is about personal...