In Step #5 you began to commit to change, you moved into the ‘special world’ from the ‘ordinary world’. In other words you crossed a threshold and took a step toward becoming more … more knowledgeable, more informed, more skilled...
Here you are … pregnancy starts to speed up. Almost every day you feel your baby and belly get bigger. You might have some discharge from your nipples (pre-milk stuff). Everything is fascinating. Your baby rolls around now and it feels neat. If you’re...
The Big Event is closer. You are around 30-32 weeks of pregnancy. At this point, you’ll have monthly appointments with your midwife or obstetrician. You might hire a doula or not. You are deciding where you want to birth and create your Birth Plan. At the same...
You’re now somewhere between 32-36 weeks pregnant. From 24 weeks onward pregnancy changes almost every day and certainly every week. This feels so different from the first 20 weeks. This is just the beginning of feeling uncomfortable again. Your uterus pushes...
You are now 36-40+ weeks into your pregnancy. My goodness, the steps on your Heroine’s Journey through pregnancy and birth are pushing you down the path faster and faster. Steps #1-7 seemed to go pretty slowly but not now. Heaps of women give birth between now...
It’s simple, you’re now doing the activity of giving birth! That’s either true and you’re not reading this or you’ve gone through all the Steps in your Heroine’s Journey in order to understand where you’re heading. What does...