Birthing Better Complete Birth Skills
CAVEAT: There is absolutely NO order for how to best learn these birth and birth-coaching skills developed by hundreds of moms and dads and used in every type of birth without exception. Pick and choose which skill you want to learn first, as a pregnant woman or a birth-coach dad/other. Then teach each other. The only skills you need to do together are the Body Skills (start from 24 weeks) and Internal Work (start at 32 weeks).
Birthing Better Complete Birth Skills has 3 COMPONENTS:
Body Skills … Do these Body Skills on your birth-coach first so they ‘feel’ the skills in their own body. We share a universal human body. Practical skills to open, create space, create mobility, and softness in the birthing body. These skills were primarily developed by fathers to reduce or prevent long 1st and 2nd Stage, and to reduce or prevent risks from becoming problems
Breathing Touch And Communication … Learn effective skills to work moment-to-moment through the activity of giving birth. You’ll work together once your baby is born. Your baby is here now. Bring exceptionally effective birth and birth-coaching skills to this one-off, life-transforming, can’t be replayed that leaves life-long Birth Stories
Soft Skills for Pregnancy and Birth … Examples: Teamwork; Keep your labor progressing; Your negative and positive inner voice; How to apply Birthing Better skills in every type of birth; Discover the 5 Phases of Contractions and more.
A QUICK NOTE for Non-laboring Cesareans:
Your pregnant body is preparing for a vaginal birth even if your decision or circumstance dictates otherwise, this means:
- Enjoy preparing your pregnant body to become a birthing body.
- Learn and practice your skills.
- Use your skills on the way to the hospital (that is your labor), while being prepped (that is your ‘transition’) and during surgery (that is your baby’s birth), and in recovery.