We all suffer from impatience. Some more than others. During this first phase of becoming a father, impatience can abound. Your life is being dismantled as you know it and rearranging itself for the future. This period repeats itself within a few days of the birth of...
Over the past blog entries, we’ve discussed some very important fatherhood qualities. Each of them has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself, how your partner views you, how your baby knows you and how others perceive you. Delight is just for you. Yes, it...
Skills are created, learned and used in the neo-cortex of the brain as well as other wonderful qualities. This part of the brain, our Mind, can learn very quickly and infuse our whole being with new learning. Our Mind is able to achieve many AH-HA moments. So here we...
As children, we were hardly patient and it’s a trait we had to learn as we matured into our adulthood. Patience takes on a whole new aspect as a parent. You will either become more patient or more irritated once you are born and grows. If you become more patient...
We’re now in the 2nd phase of pregnancy. At first 9 months seem like forever. Even at 12 weeks, The Birth feels far away. By 24 weeks The Birth seems right around the corner. Thankfully there’s an old adage: ‘Nine months to grow. None months to...