Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy 36 Weeks To Birth
Expecting fathers can join our Pregnancy Academy at different stages. Get ready for fatherhood with expert guidance and support.
Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy
Modify your skills
Keep learning, practicing birth and coaching skills
You’ll use all these skills once your baby is born
Commit to using your skills together as a family
Immediate Access To Training On Purchase
Enroll now to get instant access to course material:
“ I found The Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academies in phase #1 and I’ve purchased each one just to help me grow as a man, partner, and father-to-be. My partner and I are so grateful to all the men who developed these skills. We would never have thought about this or known without them.’
“ What did I learn most from these courses? That my baby, my baby’s mother, and I are all human beings capable of learning consciously to adapt to change without so much stress. In our first three pregnancies, we were always stressed. Now we work together better and that leads to less stress”
“ Was one of these 10 skills the most important to me? Yes, it was the skill of humor or lighten up the situation. My wife has always had rough pregnancies. We love kids, want a big family but pregnancy is so hard on her, on me, and our kids. I’m a gentler man because of these skills.’
Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy 36 Weeks – Birth Online Content
10 Skills Mp4
- Hero Journey PDF
- 10 Pregnancy Skills PDF
Kindness and Patience Mp4
- Kindness and Patience To Your Baby Mp4
Breathing Mp4
- Breathing Part 2 Mp4
- Sustainable Breathing PDF
Awareness And Attention To Detail Mp4
Touch Mp4
- The Right Touch PDF
- Hospital Birth PDF
- Home Births PDF
- Birth Center Births PDF
- Unassisted Free Birth PDF
- Transfer to Hospital PDF
Second Set Of Arms And Eyes Mp4
- Birth Positions PDF
Humor Mp4
- Teamwork PDF
Delight Mp4
Clarity Mp4
- Two Birthing Behaviors Check-list PDF