Hospital Births
Hospital Births
All Birthing Better skills were developed by hundreds of dads and moms and used in ALL births
Start about 24 weeks of pregnancy, prepare your body, and learn birth and coaching skills
Become familiar with all the skills just in case they may come in handy during your birth
Confidently work with and around all assessments, monitoring, and procedures
Immediate Access To Training On Purchase
“Our first hospital birth sucked. I had made a Birth Plan. I felt ignored and run over by everyone and everything done to me. Then we found Birthing Better and became skilled. To be honest. Do NOT go into your hospital birth without skills. Our next hospital birth was sensational.”
‘”I was certain that the midwives and our doctor didn’t really want me to coach my wife in our hospital birth. I’m in their world. My wife basically grabbed me by my collar and told me to get with the play. I did and they LOVED us. No one will stand in your way to help her cope.
“ My labor was stalled for hours. Why we didn’t think about doing The Hip Lift sooner, I don’t know. I was desperate. My husband suggested we do the Hip Lift. I could feel our baby move. Labor went quickly after that. Why didn’t we use it sooner? We didn’t beat ourselves up. We were just chuffed”
Hospital Births Content Online Class
Universal Reality About Pregnancy And Birth Mp4
- 100% Of Pregnant Women Will Give Birth PDF
- First Time Pregnancy And Birth PDF
- First Birth Mp4
Birth Memories Last A Life-Time Mp4
- Make Your Birth Memories PDF
What Are Interventions? Mp4
- Two Elements In Childbirth Mp4
- A List Of Childbirth Interventions PDF
- Two Elements Of Childbirth Mp4
Who Is Doing What Why And When? Mp4
- Three Birth Roles PDF
- Two Birthing Behaviors Lists PDF
Fathers As Birth-Coach Mp4
- All Fathers-to-be PDF
- First Time Fathers-to-be Mp3
- Fathers Previous Good Birth Mp3
- Fathers Previous Traumatic Birth Mp3
- Fathers Role In Childbirth Mp3
- Fathers Great Birth-Coach Mp3
- Childbirth Teamwork PDF
Mothers The Activity Of Birthing Your Baby Mp4
- Mothers-to-be PDF
- Having First Birth Mp3
- Mothers Previous Good Birth Mp3
- Mothers Previous Traumatized Birth Mp3
- Mothers doing The Birth Activity Mp3
Birth Skills For All Hospital Births Mp4
- Giving Birth In Hospital PDF
Prepare Your Pregnant Body For Birth Mp4
- Overview Body Skills PDF
- Know Your Birthing Pelvis PDF
- Map Your Pelvis To-Do Mp4
- Open Your Pregnant/Birthing Body To-Do Mp4
- What’s My Soft Pelvis PDF
- Your Pelvic Clock To-Do Mp4
Birth Breathing Skills Mp4
- Birthing Breathing Skills That Adapt PDF
- Breathing Skills To Reduce Birthing Plans PDF
- Work With Your Birth Breathing To-Do Mp4
Don’t Delay 2nd Stage Mp4
- Illustrations Of Birth Canal PDF
- What To Do With A Grapefruit Mp3
Hospital Labor And Vaginal Delivery Mp4
- No Woman Wants To Suffer From Labor Pains PDF
- The Phases And Shapes Of Labor Contractions PDF
- Don’t Waste One Labor Contraction PDF
- Is That Birth Position Right PDF
- Birthing Positions To-Do Mp4
Hospital Labor To Unplanned Cesarean Mp4
- Labor To Unplanned Cesarean PDF
Hospital Planned Cesarean Mp4
- Elective Non-Labor Cesarean PDF
Hospital Birth VBAC Mp4
- VBAC Mothers Mp3
- VBAC Fathers Mp3
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean PDF
- VBAC To Cesarean PDF
Hospital Extra Birth Skills Mp4
- Pregnancy And Right Touch PDF
- Pregnancy And Communication PDF