Usually, pregnancy is all about the mother-to-be but thankfully times are changing.  We are beginning to realize that pregnancy and birth is all about both parents. There are more fathers staying home and caring for children. And definitely fathers are expected to be at the birth and be a support person for his birthing partner.

During pregnancy, a man is in a state of ‘becoming’ a father just as a woman is in a state of ‘becoming’ a mother. The expectant father gift you give can go beyond a lovely trinket and really help that man you love to make the transition to ‘being’ a father as a skilled man, partner, and dad.

What’s a great becoming dad gift idea?

In reality, every expectant dad wants meaning in his life. Because most of us … both mothers-to-be and fathers-to-be are rarely, if ever, at a birth we’d like you to consider giving that man you love Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation online course. Because a gift for any father-to-be is happening during this precious ‘becoming’ period, it’s an ideal time for men to grow their skills and competency. That’s what Birthing Better online birthing classes are all about.

We’re asking you to think outside the box. Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation skills were developed by hundreds of fathers and mothers in the early 1970s. These families wanted to move from ‘becoming’ to ‘being’ feeling skilled and able to work together through this powerful life phase … pregnancy and the birth of their baby. Birthing Better fathers were absolutely motivated to become an effective birth-coach. They were motivated because their pregnant partner wanted them to be at the birth of their baby and know how to help and participate. Birthing Better fathers were further motivated because each of them absolutely wanted to feel comfortable with their newborn and they all believed that could best happen if they knew how to help their birthing partner cope and manage during the birth.

Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation has two components

Birth is the conclusion of ‘becoming’ and the being of the ‘being’. The last 16 weeks of pregnancy is the very best time to start to prepare for this transformative and singular event … The Birth. The first component of Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation consists of the exact skills to prepare the pregnant body to become a birthing body. The Birthing Better skills are based on our shared human body so this ‘becoming’ a dad can share skills that are familiar to both women and men. No longer are men from Mars and women from Venus. Now we are human beings learning skills that create space, openness, softness, and mobility in the birthing body. After all this expectant dad’s baby is a big 3-dimensional object so creating space can help it come down, through and out as easily as possible.

The second component of Birthing Better online birthing classes are the skills for both the birth and birth coaching role. Being a birth support is frankly not enough. It’s like having a dad stand behind the woman while she changes the diapers and merely complements her rather than stepping up and changing the diaper himself. Being skilled is important to all human beings. Fathers love the practical skills in Birthing Better.

Here’s what a father-to-be want as they face the transitional activity of birth.

  • All men becoming dads want Birth Coaching skills that work.
  • Fathers-to-be want skills that make sense to men.
  • Dads-to-be wants skills that won’t upset the birth professional.
  • Fathers-to-be want skills that please the woman and don’t piss her off!

Listen to this audio and get more inspired to give this precious set of birth skills as a father-to-be gift.

What better gift can a man becoming a dad give his precious baby than being able to assist its journey of being born? You care for this father-to-be and mother-to-be. Care enough to give them both a gift of feeling skilled while preparing for the birth of their child and skills to work through their own transformation from ‘becoming’ to ‘being’ a father and mother.

Birthing Better skills were developed by moms and dads in the early 1970s in the US and used by many thousands globally in all types of birth. Birthing Better online birthing classes are housed in Common Knowledge Trust.