Birth Center midwives want you to have a safe birth and not have to transfer to hospital unnecessarily. Your Birth Plan won’t keep you in your Birth Center … but your birthing skills and birth coaching skills might do just that. Every Birth Center will have strict guidelines so don’t waste one contraction by being tense.
In fact, do your Birth Center midwife a favor and write a second Birth Plan telling her how you prepared your pregnant body and what skills you and your birth coach, birth support or birth helper will bring.
‘It was only in the middle of a very painful contraction that I realized birthing in our Birth Center wasn’t going to make my pain less or the contraction go away. I had to do something so I started to really use my pink kit skills.’
Juliette K…
‘There’s no doubt that Pink Kit families are much less likely to transfer to hospital for failure to progress from our Birth Centre.’
Gina P, CNM
Enhance your Birth Center birth because you took time during your pregnancy to prepare your pregnant body to become a birthing body. Enhance your Birth Center birth experience because you brought birth and birth coaching skills to your child’s birthing process.
The Pink Kit is now known as Birthing Better online birth classes. These birth skills were developed by hundreds of families some of whom were fortunate to have access to a Birth Center.
Birthing Better skills were developed by hundreds of moms and dads and are housed in Common Knowledge Trust