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I studied the pink kit and my husband was all for learning the different ‘positions’ especially if it was to help my birthing experience be drug-free, which was what I was aiming for. Our beautiful baby girl was born after relatively stress-free and drug-free labor. What an amazing experience! Go the sit bone spread! My husband was my rock, the men have to be involved! He kept my breathing focused and contributed amazingly to our wonderful experience.I recommend the pink kit to every family who are willing to learn and be open-minded towards learning about their bodies.’
Julliet’s proud mom and dad
‘My husband initially thought that he would just go to the hospital and watch my contractions. He didn’t have a clue, but I didn’t either. The midwives asked in my birth plan if I wanted this or that. I felt like I was going to a store and choosing this or saying no to that. My husband learned as much as I did about my body using The Pink Kit. He was able to help me all the way through labor and directed me when I got sidetracked.
The internal work helped me learn about the ‘inside’ of my body and I’m sure helped my vagina open more easily while giving birth. My husband took an active role throughout and helped me with exercises that brought the baby down faster. I feel by experiencing a good birth, it has helped me cope better afterward. In my birth plan, I had chosen an epidural as my preference for pain relief. I didn’t choose it in labor because with these skills, I could manage ok. It was still very painful, but I chose my husband to be my pain relief and he knew how’.
The Dorns
‘I’m very shy about my body even with my husband. Up to the birth of our baby, he’d hadn’t ever seen me naked. It was lights out for us in bed.’Having absolutely no knowledge of children, parenting or birth, my husband and I began our antenatal class through the local hospital. This class provided information on stages of birth, intervention, instruments used in intervention, tour of the maternity ward. The midwife who took the 6 week course had a cesarean birth and seemed to frequently insinuate that there was nothing wrong with this.
We discovered The Pink Kit which we felt introduced us to the fact that we could have a natural birth ( by getting to know my body). Because it came from other women and men, it wasn’t technical like the hospital information. I did the internal work myself, locked in the bed room, won’t let my husband near me. Funny, after 3 weeks, I found myself on his lounge chair doing it as I watched TV. With the knowledge provided, we were aware throughout the labor of what my body was doing. With my husband also so aware, he was able to assist ( not stand there freaking out). That was a big bonus. I honestly believe I would have had a birth with intervention if I had not done The Pink Kit. I don’t think The Pink Kit was meant for this, but after doing the work we felt so comfortable, we had a home birth with my husband ‘catching’ our baby when he was born. This gave my husband the ultimate experience he could ever have. We now have an increased awareness and confidence as parents’.
Gracie, Rich and baby boy … not yet named
Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® is now known as Birthing Better and is housed within Common Knowledge Trust
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