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Breech Births

CAVEAT: In the early 1970s when hundreds of fathers and mothers developed all the Birthing Better skills, breech births were known to have ‘risks’ yet almost all of us labored and had a vaginal birth. The Cesarean rate was 4.5% and done to save a woman’s life. We focused on creating space, mobility, and softness inside our body so our breech baby would not get ‘stuck’.

Some you know: Webster Technique, Spinning Babies, Homeopathics, Acupuncture. Many of you are avidly committed to doing all these things in order to get your breech baby into an ‘ideal fetal position’. Exhausting really.

Should you try to turn your breech baby? That’s up to you. What if your baby doesn’t turn? What if your baby does turn but your baby gets ‘stuck’ anyway? What if you still don’t cope well with the naturally occurring pain of contractions?

Add Birthing Better skills to your repertory of ‘what to do about my breech baby’ because you are always going to have to do the activity of birthing your baby. Skills always worked as the foundation to our birth regardless of  ‘choices’ or ‘efforts’ to turn our babies


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