In phase #4 you not only need to see what needs to be done to get ready to bring your baby home, but you also need to fill in the gaps around the skills you’ll both use during the birth of your child. You may also be tying up work issues so you can have some time to be with your newborn and help your baby’s mother during the weeks following the birth. You might also have other children and find yourself sorting out emotional issues of introducing another baby into the mix, or arranging for outside or family help during these next few months.
At this point, it’s like preparing for a trip. In fact, you are on the last leg of a journey that has taken place over the past months of pregnancy. And you are preparing for this one-off journey of The Birth.
Life is a journey but mostly we just live it without too much fuss or bother or awareness. There are particular times when Life requires us to pay attention, see what needs to be done and get all the odds and ends tidied up. Phase #4 is one of those special times.
Men who understand that they need to do whatever daily tasks they would do if they lived by themselves, even if they are presently in a relationship, are deeply respected by their family members. In fact as you raise your children you will want to teach them the skills to do all the daily tasks.
Everyone needs to know how to feed themselves, clean up (even clean the toilet, bath or shower), take care of the lawn, pets and kids along with working, hobbies and having fun. If you don’t understand that then have a reality check. Imagine if the world fell apart. You better have the skills to take care of yourself.
In fact, you also have to keep in mind that you might become a single dad with full responsibility of your child or children. Now is the time to get with the program and increase your ability to see what needs to be done and get on doing it.
Respect as an adult man (or woman) comes from taking responsibility for all the small, mundane tasks in life.
Once you do this with a good nature, you’ll see that the tasks are well done and become part of your life.
Bottom line
Seeing what needs to be done and doing it … a fabulous skill … one that will be incredibly appreciated.
Head to Udemy for all the Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy courses. Then at 24 weeks of pregnancy, come back here for the online birth classes and start with the birth preparation and birth-coaching skills … all developed by hundreds of dads and moms.
Birthing Better skills are housed in Common Knowledge Trust.