One thing is for sure when this is your first pregnancy you’ll both get lots of advice. There are plenty of childbirth books to read. You might attend childbirth preparation, education or information classes. You might take other classes such as pregnancy yoga, pregnancy swimming or even cross-fit. You’ll consult a doctor or midwife. Besides all of this, you’ll have to sort out practical things such as where or with whom you’ll birth, make decisions about what you would like at your birth, such as pain relief, the ability to move around, or Caesarean delivery. In other words, you are making a Birth Plan. And this does not even include how pregnancy, birth and a baby will impact your life right now and in the future. You will have to think about so many things and make so many decisions that your head will spin.
Let’s cut to the chase
What is REALLY important for men and women during their first pregnancy and birth? Everything really. Being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a parent for the first time is one of Life’s biggest learning curves. It’s a Time of Life that is both invigorating, exhausting, depressing and intense.
The first pregnancy is often like a blur. Is there no way to add any order to what feels so changeable and chaotic?
You both need an anchor. That’s where your Birthing Better online birth class comes in. In the midst of the swirl of information, opinions, and choices Birthing Better skills can give you something practical to focus on, learn and use together. That’s important.
Practical wins over the unknown
Pregnancy, birth and even raising children is often just lots of unKnowns. That is why some people get very ordered. Putting order into the unKnown can help some people feel better even if the unknown just keeps happening. Other people just go with the flow. Sometimes this approach to life works out well or not.
Let’s think this through. Gathering information, making a Birth Plan, getting through pregnancy and birth the best you can leave you exhausted by the time of The Birth and being with a newborn. BTW … having a subsequent baby can create the same sense of Life in Spin.
When you focus on becoming skilled then all your decisions will come from a sense of confidence, so needed when you are having a first baby! A bold statement but true. Pregnancy, birth, and newborn can feel like skiing downhill out of control. Yet when you learn skills to ski then you are less likely to feel out of control. In fact, learning skills to do any activity always feels better.
Being pregnant is something that happens to you. The woman can do many things to have a better pregnancy but not always. However, every birthing mother and father can do the ACTIVITY of giving birth! That’s right. Even your first birth can be a skilled activity that you do.
What skills do you need?
Your first pregnancy is the time to prepare for your first birth. Start as close to 24 weeks but don’t worry if you’re due in 3 days. Any skill is better than no skill when you do the activity of birthing your baby. Whether you are driving to hospital, getting prepped and having a surgical birth or whether you’re birthing at home with a midwife you always are doing the activity of birthing your baby.
Here are the great birth and birth coaching skills you’ll get in Birthing Better online birthing classes. You can look inside. Even before you purchase you can evaluate the skills compared to other resources.
Since Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation was developed by hundreds of families, you are going to receive just the right childbirth preparation skills and birth and birth coaching skills.
Birthing Better skills are housed in Common Knowledge Trust