Pregnancy has only one conclusion – childbirth. No matter who you are or what your circumstances, if you are pregnant now, you will give birth within the year. This means ALL pregnant women are part of an exclusive group. You’re in it or you’re out. This is a perfect example of our commonality. Your individuality is all about your Life and circumstances. The focus of Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation Online Course is entirely on our commonality … our human pregnant and birthing body. The Birthing Better skills focus on how to prepare our pregnant body for birth as well as the birth and birth coaching skills so you can work through your baby’s efforts to be born no matter the circumstances.

Both men and women share the same human body – with slight variations. So it goes like this. Once you’re pregnant, you will give birth, so prepare your pregnant body to become a birthing body. That’s number 1, number 2 is simple. Your baby has to be born, so learn how to prepare for childbirth with our birth coaching skills to work through your birthing journey.

How to prepare for childbirth

There are essentially three ways to prepare for the birth of your child

  1. Make a conventional Birth Plan
  2. Prepare your pregnant body for birth
  3. Learn birth and birth coach skills

When you make your conventional Birth Plan you are basically thinking about how you want your baby’s birth to unfold. You might have very clear ideas about your individual birth or just want to go with the flow. You might really, really want a specific type of birth or could care less as long as you and your baby are healthy and safe. Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation doesn’t have much to offer you in this type of preparation. There are lots of books, online websites and other people who can give you information about your conventional Birth Plan.

Just keep in mind … ‘There’s no way to know what your birth will be like’ and very few women will have the birth they want. Yet every woman will give birth one way or another and birth will unfold. This brings us to the next two ways to prepare for birth.

Your conventional Birth Plan is what everyone talks about. Preparing your pregnant body to give birth and learning birth and birth coaching skills are much less known and that’s incredibly sad and unfortunate. So this brings us to all the skills listed above in the lessons.

Focus from 24 weeks onward to prepare your pregnant body to become a birthing body. Your baby is a big object that has to come out of your body which is essentially a container. You need to learn to open that container during The Birth to let your baby come down, through and out as easily as possible.

If you’re going to have an elective Caesarean then preparing your pregnant body isn’t physically essential but emotionally and psychologically it is. Your pregnant body is preparing for birth just like every woman. Your Mind knows you are going to have a Caesarean. You are going to birth your baby. You should prepare your pregnant body the exact same way any other woman would because you are giving birth to your baby.

Learn birth and birth-coaching skills

As you’re preparing your pregnant body to birth you also have to learn birth and birth-coaching so you can work through your baby’s birth journey when it unfolds. This is essential for you to understand.

Preparing for birth, learning birth and birth-coaching skills mean that your pregnant body becomes ready to birth and then goes through a birthing process.

If you labor use your birth and birth-coaching skills to work through every 5 phases of every contraction … one of the skills in Birthing Better. Some of the skills to use center around breathing, relaxation, find positions your baby likes and knowing ways to create space, stay mobile and pliable inside your body. And with birth-coaching skills, your partner can help you stay in control at every moment.

If you labour and end up with an unplanned then you’ll have skills to continue to use while being prepped and during surgery.

If you have a planned c-section then you can use your skills on the way to hospital, while being prepped and during surgery.

What’s the importance of being skilled? Gosh … confidence, empowerment, delight, impressing your obstetrician or midwife, friends and relatives. So many reasons. Being skilled is good for the soul, you’ll develop a great team and you’ll be more relaxed as a parent.

What do the Birthing Better online birth classes give you?

Look at it this way. Preparing for your childbirth is all about looking into the future and seeing what type of birth you would like and how you would like your individual experience to unfold. When you see yourself in the future, do you see yourself as passive or active?

Birthing preparation and education can leave you with heaps of knowledge, information, and choice. However, until you become a skilled birthing, pregnant woman, or a skilled birth coaching expectant father, you will not know how to do the activity of giving birth. That’s what the Birthing Better families really understood and why these skills were placed into a Charitable Trust that could produce a resource easily affordable by all expectant parents.

Birthing Better skills were developed by moms and dads in the early 1970s in the US and used by many thousands globally in all types of birth. Birthing Better online birthing classes are housed in Common Knowledge Trust.