IVF pregnancies are certainly less conventional and families who have had difficulty getting pregnant in the usual way, IVF is amazing. Once your pregnancy is confirmed and settled so there’s no expected risk of a miscarriage then you just become another pregnant woman and expectant father.

We were so focused on getting pregnant that after the IVF was successful, we had to get our heads focused on birth. This was much more of a challenge. The Pink Kit Package was a gift during a baby shower. It helped my husband and myself to focus on our birth skills which then lead us to the choices we wanted to make about birth’

Rialto and Shannon B…

We’ve had two IVF babies and used The Pink Kit resources for both.’

Josh and Anna C …

******* WE USED TO BE KNOWN AS ‘THE PINK KIT’ and now known as Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation Online Courses

Why Birthing Better skills can improve your IVF pregnancy and birth

  • Birth is birth whether you’ve conceived by IVF or not … so learn how-to birth.
  • Birth is birth and in all births you’ll take in and exhale your next breath  … so learn to do so in a relaxed manner.
  • IVF conception does not make you mentally dull … enjoy, enjoy, enjoy preparing together for childbirth after your IVF conception.
  • IVF can sometimes estrange fathers from a feeling of ‘I can do this’ involvement … both of you become equally skilled with Birthing Better skills
  • If you’re having a planned caesarean, these skills will still be of great benefit.

Birthing Better skills will build your confidence

Remember this. Whether you give birth in a hospital, Birth Centre or home birth, whether you have an obstetrician or midwife OR whether you have interventions or natural birth, YOU will absolutely have a positive birth.

While getting pregnant was highly medically monitored once you are pregnant, your doctor or midwife will treat you like any pregnant woman and that can come as a shock. Sure, if you have health issues then your obstetrician or midwife will do the appropriate medical assessments, monitoring, and procedures. Of course, your health issues may lead to a non-laboring Cesarean or you might labor with heaps of medical interventions. Your labor may lead to a surgical birth or you might just have a simple, straight forward birth.

Every single Birthing Better resource is chockablock full of practical skills for you and your birth partner.

‘Maybe we had an IVF conception but childbirth pains still hurt. Thank you Pink Kit you helped us both cope‘.

Hope and Sebastian R …

Enjoy working through these childbirth resources together and experience incredible intimacy!

All the effort and Time to get pregnant using IVF is not always the most intimate experience. You know that. However, once you are pregnant then you can grow that intimacy by learning Birthing Better skills. They were developed by both mothers and fathers. A percent of Birthing Better families had IVF babies. They just got on with learning the skills and using them.

Arm yourself with wonderful birth skills if only to teach your IVF children how to have a great birth twenty years from now. Don’t look back and regret not being more involved in preparing for birth then knowing how-to birth your IVF baby.

Birthing Better skills were developed by moms and dads in the early 1970s in the US and used by many thousands globally in all types of birth. Birthing Better online birthing classes are housed in Common Knowledge Trust.