As a pregnant disabled woman you can have a wonderful birth just like any other pregnant woman. Every disabled pregnant woman can learn how to relax inside her body, use her breath as a focus during contractions or a Cesarean and work with her birth partner in every birth situation … guaranteed! Disability is such a broad term but if you’re pregnant and going to give birth to a baby then your experience is universal. Yes, your particular disability may require increased medical attention but you still will birth your baby … and parent. Yes, your particular disability may have impacts even in your parenting but love, discipline, teaching, sleeping, eating or having a good cuddle are universal.

‘My disability would be considered to be quite severe but I was able to conceive so I figured I could take charge of my birth.

The Pink Kit Package helped me to feel whole’.

Genieve P…

‘There are so many ways to be able when you’re disabled. Learning the pink skills bypasses any disability’.

Kendell M …

Pregnant disabled women bring a huge advantage to childbirth

  • Pregnant women with any disability have had to learn skills to adjust to that particular disability so learning the how-to birth skills is just another set of practical skills for a specific situation.
  • A pregnant disabled woman may need lots of medical attention but no one will stop you from using your relaxation and breathing skills. You’ve already learned heaps of skills to adjust to life around all the medical care you may require.
  • Pregnant disabled women are able to separate their own skills from medical care and are more likely to take a set of self-learning birth and birth-coaching skills into their birth.
  • Pride, feeling Positive and Powerful are always coupled with using your Birthing Better  skills.
  • Your birth coach partner is much more likely to be aware of your unique needs than many other partners.

‘We wish The Pink Kit Package had our country’s sign language but we realize there are several and the DVD would look funny with several people signing on the bottom. Cute cartoon, but not practical’.

Tania and Ralph G …

‘It took me lots longer than other women to go through the pink kit resources but it was worth it. I was amazed at how aware I was of my inside even though I’m a paraplegic’.

Barb and Family …

Childbirth preparation for disabled pregnant women

Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation skills were developed by hundreds of mothers and fathers. Quite a number of these initial families had some type of disability so we know how effective these birth and birth-coaching skills are. Many pregnant women with a disability feel left out of the childbirth conversation. There is so much focus on ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ birth and for many disabled pregnant women know there will be some form of medical assessment, monitoring, and procedures (AMPs). But all those AMPs are used for you and your baby’s well-being and none of this care will ever stop you from using birth and birth-coaching skills.

Birthing Better online birth classes are full of the skills that were developed by hundreds of moms and dads with medical high risks and housed in Common Knowledge Trust