As a pregnant lesbian woman no matter how you conceived your baby, benefit using the amazing Birthing Better online birthing classes full of skills. While there are unique qualities to a lesbian family, there is a deeper reality. We are all One Humanity, 100% of pregnant women will give birth. We all share the same human body. Learn to prepare your pregnant body to become a birthing body. Learn the birth and birth-coaching skills to work through your baby’s birth journey no matter where you birth, with whom or what type of birth you have. You’ll delight in working together throughout your baby’s birth process. Keep in mind that you will do the activity of giving birth while your baby is doing the activity of being born.

Advantage of being a pregnant lesbian woman

It’s simple …  the two of you both have a woman’s body. Certainly, the advantage of Birthing Better skills is that men and women do share the same body so dads no longer feel mystified by their pregnant partner’s body. But the two of you aren’t mystified and will sync immediately with the skills.

However, there’s a caveat. Women do have slightly different bodies. One of you might find doing The Pelvic Clock really easily while your partner just doesn’t quite ‘get it’ immediately. On the other hand, one of you might have a quite stiff hip and have to repeat and repeat The Hip Lift while the other is mobile and both of you can feel how much space is created with The Hip Lift.


The pregnant partner will birth, the other will be the birth-coach. However, as you’re learning the skills take turns role-playing the pregnant woman and the birth-coach. This way you’ll more deeply understand the Birthing Better skills from both roles.

Some Birthing Better skills

  • Learn how to stay open inside your pelvis with skills such as The Hip Lift, Sacral Manoeuvre, Sit Bone Spread
  • Discover the SECRET of coping with labor pain with skills such as Directed Breathing, Pelvic Clock, Staying in the NOW, 5 Phases of every contraction
  • Prepare your birth canal to prevent birth trauma with The Internal Work
  • And more of course

And don’t forget these birth skills:

  • How to work as a team with your gay partner with skills such as Teamwork, Communication, Deep Touch Relaxation
  • How to work alongside your birth professional whether a Nurse midwife (CNM), Direct Entry Midwife, Lay Midwife, Obstetrician and Staff Birth Professionals with skills such as where you birth or what type of birth you have.

As gay women, we often feel outside the cultural norm so when we got pregnant we weren’t comfortable going to a childbirth class. We purchased The PK Package without even understanding what was in the resource. We just knew it was something we could work through in our own home. What a wonderful surprise! What we needed and wanted and didn’t even know we did’.

Sheena N. and April T …

As lesbians, we enjoyed working through The Pink Kit Package because it was so body-oriented. We enjoyed the pregnancy together and the birth in a very special way’.

Marlisse T and Marsha Y…

As lesbian pregnant women remember this… Whether you give birth in a  hospital, birth center or have a home birth, YOU will absolutely have a positive birth because you’ve used your birth and coaching skills.

‘Our first birth when I was pregnant was amazing thanks to The PK Package. Our second birth when my partner was pregnant was even better. We became the Eternal Woman’.

Bonnie B and Denise N …

There’s no fluff in The Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation resources

  • Get only practical pregnancy and childbirth skills that will amaze, inspire and direct you toward your positive birth experience.
  • All expectant parents can have a more conscious and inspirational birth. Lesbian pregnant women can use this Woman’s knowledge to achieve a heightened sense of oneness.


Birthing Better online birth classes are full of the skills were developed by moms and dads and are housed in Common Knowledge Trust