There are some Truths that cannot be denied. One is … every pregnant woman will give birth. Another Truth follows … every pregnant woman will give birth one way or another. What does that mean? It means that there is another Truth … there is no way to know what your birth will be like. Where does this lead? Unfortunately this leads to an UnTruth which is … therefore there is nothing you can do to prepare for birth. This is NOT TRUE! You can always have skills to birth your baby! And you should!
‘My wife and I have recently immigrated to a new country. In our country, not only were fathers not at births, often they didn’t see their children for weeks after because of the ceremonies that had to be performed. The Pink Kit has been wonderful. We’ve so enjoyed working together and look forward to our birth’.
Germain and Hope
‘I’m from Papua and came to Australia. I got pregnant with my 4th baby who stayed in a position my midwife didn’t like. He was lying across my belly. She gave me the video to watch and my husband and I tried some things. I also wrapped something tight around my belly. I had a fine birth’.
Jela and Timothy
‘In my culture, we have no midwives, whoever is at a birth is expected to help whether they are men or women….even strangers. If there is a problem, then we call the monks to recite mantras. My 4th baby was stuck after his head came out. Eventually my husband and neighbor did get him out and he was fine. In the 1980s I was introduced to this body work. As soon as I felt the sit bone spread, I knew that would have helped’.
Tenzen and Goba
‘My husband and I don’t speak good English. We come from Japan. We believe natural birth very important. Pink Kit very good’.
Tokada family
‘My husband comes from a culture where it is natural for fathers to help in labor so he took to The Pink Kit like a duck to water. I felt so secure’.
‘We’ve moved away from our homeland and now live in a very modern country. There aren’t any older women to help as there are back in our country. The Pink Kit is like that to us…the common sense skills that work when there isn’t a medical system to help’.
Francois and Herme
‘My husband and I come from different ethnic backgrounds and different religions. We often feel torn between ‘do this’ and ‘do that’. The Pink Kit found favor with both sides of the family. I wish my friends back home in India knew about it.’
Sheena and Dodi
‘All my friends in Argentina have had c/s. It’s like no one wants to labor anymore. I find it sad. We’re using The Pink Kit. I’m not going to have a c/s unless something is really wrong with my baby or me’.
Flora and Carlos
Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® is now known as Birthing Better and housed within Common Knowledge Trust
Birthing Better online birthing classes