The change you’ve committed since Step #5 requires you to dig deeper and deeper into your change. Birth is even closer. 80% of pregnant women give birth 2 weeks either side of their due date. Soon your baby is going to be born soon. Your newborn will come home. Taking care of your newborn will become your reality. Your newborn will grow through the years and pregnancy will seem like a dim past.

If you’ve learned the Birthing Better skills to prepare your partner’s body as well as the birth and birth-coaching skills, they all now make sense to you. You can feel how much more mobile her pelvis is. You can feel when her tension stops her pelvic mobility. If you started the Internal Work you can feel the tissue in her vagina is now more stretchable. You’re no longer bewildered by the pregnant woman’s body.

The birth-coaching skills make common sense. Breathing, touch, communication, teamwork and how to use the skills in any birth that unfolds all make sense. You feel more like a Hero even though your journey is not yet complete … but The Birth can happen any day. You’re ready.

Characteristics Step #10 … road back

Especially relevant …

  • you move back into the ‘ordinary world’.
  • this is your ‘road back’
  • you ‘re-dedicate to change’

As you’ve learned the breathing, relaxation, touch, communication skills for the coming birth, you feel good to have stepped up during the past few months and grow alongside your partner and baby.

You can look back now and see how your willingness to grow your 10 skills during the 5 phases of pregnancy, prepare her body for the coming birth and learn birth-coaching skills has deepened your relationship. And you can look back and see how your relationship could have been different had you not known how to grow with her and your baby.

You are ‘rededicating to change’. Like all magical and mystical journeys, there will be setbacks, challenges, and fatigue. Sometimes you and your partner feel that pregnancy will last forever. Often you’ll feel that parenting lasts forever … it will!

The excitement and anxiety about the coming birth is now your everyday reality. You want birth to happen because you’ll be able to test your skills. On the other hand, you are anxious that birth will unfold in an unexpected way and that you’ll forget to use the skills, someone will stop you, your birth will be different than the one planned and you’re not certain how the skills will work. Let us reassure you that no matter how your baby’s birth unfolds, your baby is being born and your partner is doing the activity of birthing your baby so use your birth-coaching skills.

It is moments like this when you know you’re on a monumental journey … it’s Unknown and requires that constant leap of faith and surrender to the Unknowable.

Keep learning your pregnancy and birth skills.


Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy