Dads-To-Be 24-32 Weeks-4

We’re still going to talk about the split that occurs from 24-32 weeks of pregnancy. On one hand, you need to continue to grow your fatherhood qualities such as ‘being able to see what needs to be done and doing it’ and how that fits into preparing...

Dads-To-Be 24-32 Weeks-5

I have a cartoon in my head. I see you working through the video segments in Birthing Better online birth classes learning skills such as the Hip Lift, The Sacral Maneouvre, Sit Bone Spread, Mapping the pelvis, Pelvic Clock and Directed Breathing … and using one...

Dads-To-Be 24-32 Weeks-7

It’s easy to believe that humor and delight are sort of alike but when you are becoming a father it’s important to understand the difference. Humor can range from telling a joke, watching a funny movie, giggling, laughing for no reason or chuckling over...

Dads-To-Be 32 Weeks-Birth-1

Here we are at 32 weeks of pregnancy and moving toward The Birth. This is definitely a time for increased self-reflection. ‘The Birth’ is right around the corner. Prior to all the modern neo-natal NICU units, were any baby to be born at 32 weeks there is a...

Dads-To-Be 32 Weeks-Birth-2

This Phase #4 of pregnancy is sort of like phase #1 of pregnancy but sort of in reverse. Phase #1 was getting used to being pregnant. Phase #4 is getting used to becoming a father. Phase #4 focuses your attention on The Birth and being a father immediately after the...