Here we are at 32 weeks of pregnancy and moving toward The Birth. This is definitely a time for increased self-reflection. ‘The Birth’ is right around the corner. Prior to all the modern neo-natal NICU units, were any baby to be born at 32 weeks there is a...
This Phase #4 of pregnancy is sort of like phase #1 of pregnancy but sort of in reverse. Phase #1 was getting used to being pregnant. Phase #4 is getting used to becoming a father. Phase #4 focuses your attention on The Birth and being a father immediately after the...
Your baby’s mother is 32 weeks pregnant or more in phase #4 of pregnancy. This means you move more rapidly from ‘becoming’ a father to ‘being’ one. How soon that will be is unknown. Sure everyone would like a pregnancy to go to...
Depending on whether your baby’s mother is 32 weeks pregnant or 40, your patience will vary as will your pregnant partner. As you get closer to The Birth the less patient everyone becomes. This is a natural emotional transition from being pregnant to want to get...
Phase #4 is the time to hone your awareness. Whenever humans learn something new there is a starting period that often feels very awkward. Then as the skill begins to be learned there grows a determination to self-improve. This is ‘awareness’. As your...