25 Weeks Pregnant

25 weeks pregnant seems like just one week further down the road from 24 weeks, but each week there are so many changes, just like when you were first pregnant. Do you remember back then? In the first 16 weeks, your baby and body was changing at the speed of light....

26 Weeks Pregnant

26 weeks pregnant and it’s a pretty delightful time for most women … even those who have some health issues. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the common childbirth conversation as detailed by What To Expect and Baby Center  we need to address this...

27 Weeks Pregnant

27 weeks pregnant is just another week closer to The Birth. You are still in this sort of blessed period when you have moved from those early weeks of feeling fat but not showing and before those late weeks when you feel like a washing machine off balance, beached...

VBAC Success Rate Statistics

Having a successful VBAC is clearly defined… Either you achieve one or you don’t. When you’re pregnant and doing research about VBAC what’s important to know is not what others have done but what you can do. Are you ready to achieve a VBAC?...

28 Weeks Pregnant

28 weeks pregnant and you are likely to be in a very comfortable place in pregnancy and just enjoying being where you are. Pregnancy definitely has a ‘bliss period’ and you’re most likely in it now. You or your baby may have health issues affecting...

VBAC Medical Risk?

We have been asked this question many times over the past 45 years: ‘Can I have a VBAC if I or my baby have medical high risks?’  That’s certainly a very important question. Our goal is to make certain YOU … not statistics … can determine...