Dads-To-Be 12-24 Weeks-5

Skills are created, learned and used in the neo-cortex of the brain as well as other wonderful qualities. This part of the brain, our Mind, can learn very quickly and infuse our whole being with new learning. Our Mind is able to achieve many AH-HA moments. So here we...

Dads-To-Be 12-24 Weeks-7

Always thank the Great Mystery that you get up to 9 months to grow these qualities and to enjoy their growth. Becoming more aware can mean simple things like being more aware of the colors on the autumn trees. Permit yourself to recognize and appreciate this quality...

Dads-To-Be 12-24 Weeks-8

Without a doubt the greatest of all fathering skills you can grow is humour. Often mothers and fathers-to-be find little humour during phase #1 of pregnancy but the humor comes back during this phase. Increasingly through phase #2 and #3 are settled Times and moments...

Dads-To-Be 24-32 Weeks-4

We’re still going to talk about the split that occurs from 24-32 weeks of pregnancy. On one hand, you need to continue to grow your fatherhood qualities such as ‘being able to see what needs to be done and doing it’ and how that fits into preparing...

Dads-To-Be 24-32 Weeks-5

I have a cartoon in my head. I see you working through the video segments in Birthing Better online birth classes learning skills such as the Hip Lift, The Sacral Maneouvre, Sit Bone Spread, Mapping the pelvis, Pelvic Clock and Directed Breathing … and using one...