
Our Blogs: Each of us comes to our pregnancy as unique individuals. We move through our pregnancy entirely focused on ourself. Birthing Better opens up the world of our commonality. 100% of pregnant women will give birth one way or another. Our mission for the past 50 years has been to grow a self-learning skilled birthing population so that all families can use skills to birth their baby in all circumstances. This is what Birthing Better families have done. We became skilled, empowered ourselves by using effective skills while birthing our baby.


Show this simple when-to and how-to to your friends, kids, family and co-workers.

We can become our own First Responders by simply gargling with warm salt water as soon as we get any symptoms.

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Simple Skills To Reduce Coronavirus Viral Load In Your Body

Simple Skills To Reduce Coronavirus Viral Load In Your Body Your #1 JOB is to cut down on the viral load of COVID-19 in your body. These are simple skills you can use.

This is done with all the Government imposed restrictions

This is also done by responding immediately if you feel any of these symptoms. Here’s when-to an how-to.

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Unplanned Caesarean Birth

If you’re learning Birthing Better skills you’ll just keep using your skills while being prepped and during the Caesarean. You are birthing your baby skillfully as you should.

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Common Knowledge Trust

What better name for a Charitable Trust that houses universal skills for pregnancy and birth? 100% of pregnant women will give birth!

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What Is Birthing Better?

With Birthing Better skills you can reduce and prevent some birthing issue, cope much better with internal sensations and external factors and use these skills in whatever birth you experience

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Birth Professionals Blog

Right upfront ... Birthing Better families look at birth much more from their own viewpoint. This means Common Knowledge Trust that produces the Birthing Better online birth classes looks at how the use of birth and birth-coaching skills positively impacts birth...

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1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962

Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm

Saturday : 10am – 7pm

Sunday : 10am – 6pm