
Our Blogs: Each of us comes to our pregnancy as unique individuals. We move through our pregnancy entirely focused on ourself. Birthing Better opens up the world of our commonality. 100% of pregnant women will give birth one way or another. Our mission for the past 50 years has been to grow a self-learning skilled birthing population so that all families can use skills to birth their baby in all circumstances. This is what Birthing Better families have done. We became skilled, empowered ourselves by using effective skills while birthing our baby.

Fathers-To-Be Blog

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The person writing this content is a woman ... the person who created all these Birthing Better online birthing classes full of the broad-ranging skills that hundreds of ordinary fathers and mothers developed in the early 1970s. They...

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Birth Blog

What do all pregnant women share in common? One hundred percent will give birth one way or another. Where a woman births, who is present, the type of birth she has, her feelings and circumstances are unique to her but we all share the same experience. Each birthing...

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Pregnancy Blog

What changes at 24 weeks of pregnancy?  You start to focus on The Birth. Now is the time to begin to prepare your pregnant body for your coming birth. Your uterus has grown up to your belly button. You can now finally feel your baby move throughout the day and night....

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Coping With Contractions

Families developed Birthing Better skills so birthing women could cope better with painful labor contractions and feel in control. Birthing Better families birth better and work as a skilled team.

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Calling All New Zealand NZCOM Midwives

We can strengthen our New Zealand midwifery partnership to the benefit of all. A skilled birthing population means all moms birth better and dads truly participant. Skilled families support midwives.

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Give-A-Little Flyer Fundraising

Donate to our Charitable Trust so we can continue to grow a skilled global birthing population. Every family should self-learn birth skills and use them in all births.

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1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962

Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm

Saturday : 10am – 7pm

Sunday : 10am – 6pm